0773 98 98 040 rod@4plus1safety.com

Helping companies invest in a
‘Safer, Healthier Workplace Culture’

Training the workforce of today, for the safety of tomorrow

Who We Are

What’s the premise behind the name! I thought I would choose a name which would create a sort of ‘ice breaker’, and be relative to the services I provide. For those actively involved in health and safety, this is a recognisable threshold, but, for those of you who are still a little confused, here it is:

All Employers have a legal responsibility to provide a ‘safe and healthy working environment’. All policies, procedures, risk assessment(s) results and safe working practices etc. must be completed, and all this information has to be cascaded across the company accordingly.

Any company who has up to 4 people working for them, whether employed full or part time, volunteers, apprentices or on work experience etc. –

Don’t have to record any of the above information.

All companies who venture above the threshold of 4 people working for them, inclusive of the above (employed full or part time, volunteers, apprentices or on work experience etc.) –

Must legally provide a written ‘Health & Safety Policy’ and record all their risk assessment findings and have written safe systems of work (SSoW) etc.

Hence – 4 plus 1…. These are generally the companies I work with, because they should have auditable written systems & procedures.

Services We Provide

  • Training
  • Consultancy
  • Support Contract & Audits
  • Free 7 Point Check
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